Posted by: yasha82 | November 21, 2008

List Playstation 3

List game (Update 25/5/2011):



Untk HDD:
Pergame/judul: Rp. 10.000
Per 1GB: Rp. 1000
250GB: Rp. 150.000
300GB: Rp. 200.000
500GB: Rp. 300.000
1TB: Rp.450.000

Format DVD Blank:
DVD DL(merk Mitsubishi): Rp. 18.000


  1. Wah good luck bro buat rental nya.
    Top banget dah.. 😀

  2. @ Arif Diamanta: Thanks bro..sewa jg donk 😀

  3. The PS3 is a great system. Easy to use, futuristic on-screen interface, quality sleek hardware, awesome graphics, lots of benefits. But should you get a PS3 or Xbox 360? And what about the Wii?

    Note: I own all three devices, and I appreciate all of them. I don’t have any bias to one system or the other, just my personal experience and opinion…

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